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Taiwan Excellence award

Ba compression pants Material : bamboon 5% poly yarn hand felling is rugy nylon+ spandex power 95 % specially yarn   .  Quick Dry high  leaves  

Ba compression pants Design : breathable wicking  weave . middle compression power . Prevent muscle jitter . Increase motion stability

9 point length BA compression pants  best for press bottom leg ( Arterial acupoints ) for blood turn back heart soon . less compression pants QQ 20% more Ba 40% compression pants power . 

      BA  compression pants Convex From press Muscle reduce convulse . patten no. M456100 : 2013/0701 international IPC A41B-009/00  

     Segmentation pants for Ba compression technology .Super Slim Multiple Segmentation Split Ends Tights Pants for 9 points  Ba style . each section is different compression power for fit muscle . 

        Ba compression pants Bamboo Responding to the 921 disaster area recovery plan by the Council of Agriculture and the 921 Reconstruction Committee, Taiwan Paiho worked with the Industrial Technology Research Institute to develop innovative bamboo charcoal products. The material comes from Nantou’s 4-year-old bamboo, which has dense vascular bundles and is burned at 800℃ in a traditional clay kiln after it is air dried. Finished bamboo charcoal has a glossy surface and clinks when it is knocked. Through micron grinding and biochemical technology, it can produce quality yarn.Patent No.: 92132874 (Taiwan); 03150537.6 (China)Healthy, and comfortable textile – Paiho bamboo charcoal fiberThe production process of Paiho bamboo charcoal yarn Selected 4-year-old bamboo 》Carbonized bamboo 》Bamboo charcoal powder 》Bamboo charcoal fiber 》Bamboo charcoal yarn & staple fiberThe blood flow remarkably increases after Paiho bamboo charcoal clothing is put on,as shown in the image produced by a US super-   Ba compression pants  high-resolution microscopic device. from Paiho web

Compression pants  bamboo charcoal Far infrared restore physical strength quickly.Bamboo charcoal compression pants  Negative ioneffectively promote the body mechanism, Rough shape, suitable for direct outdoor wear . Rough bamboo charcoal effectively eliminates odorAnd powerful ventilation convection,Quickly removes moisture to keep skin dry  rapid circulation, recovery of sports combat physical fitness Environmentally friendly  UV 50+ , ice cafe yarn  rate Slow sunlight heating ,poly bamboo charcoal outdoor exercise is dry quickly  , Effective suppression of outdoor  quick drying .

The muscles of the calf can be effectively pressurized to increase exercise efficiency.
seamless technology and flat stitching comfort for skin . 3D knitting by  many  beans bump ( U.CR+ patent ) Breathable ventilation,Low to medium compression power pants , full tight each muscle locations can achieve progressive compression pants . 

Ba compression pants  Yoga / Jogging / Biking / Archery / Walking

Compression Clothing by seamless technology & recycling ice cafe yarn increase performance.  running, compression &  Recover  compression sportswear, compression tights pants, tops, shorts. socks ,yogo/running /bike/cycling /壓力襪/壓力褲/壓力運動衣/瑜珈/慢跑/ 自行車/腳踏車.

Material : bamboon 25% poly yarn hand felling is rugy nylon 65% spandex power is normal, 10% specially yarn   .  Quick Dry high  leaves  

Design : breathable wicking  weave . middle power . Prevent muscle jitter . Increase motion stability

9 point length BA compression pants  best for press bottom leg ( Arterial acupoints ) for blood turn back heart soon . less compression pants QQ 50%

Test reports no.T13120096  UV+50  UVA0.02%/VUB0.02%   better than QQ  compression pants ,   odor control activity 11.15 normal lower  (best 50 , it’s best  ) QQ is best .Ba  Compression pants  new double            BA  compression pants Convex From press Muscle reduce convulse . patten no. M456100 : 2013/0701 international IPC A41B-009/00  

     Segmentation pants for Ba compression technology .Super Slim Multiple Segmentation Split Ends Tights Pants for 9 points  Ba style . each section is different compression power for fit muscle . 

        Ba compression pants  Bamboo Responding to the 921 disaster area recovery plan by the Council of Agriculture and the 921 Reconstruction Committee, Taiwan Paiho worked with the Industrial Technology Research Institute to develop innovative bamboo charcoal products. The material comes from Nantou’s 4-year-old bamboo, which has dense vascular bundles and is burned at 800℃ in a traditional clay kiln after it is air dried. Finished bamboo charcoal has a glossy surface and clinks when it is knocked. Through micron grinding and biochemical technology, it can produce quality yarn.Patent No.: 92132874 (Taiwan); 03150537.6 (China)Healthy, and comfortable textile – Paiho bamboo charcoal fiberThe production process of Paiho bamboo charcoal yarn Selected 4-year-old bamboo 》Carbonized bamboo 》Bamboo charcoal powder 》Bamboo charcoal fiber 》Bamboo charcoal yarn & staple fiberThe blood flow remarkably increases after Paiho bamboo charcoal clothing is put on,as shown in the image produced by a US super-high-resolution microscopic device. from Paiho web


   台灣百和與工研院配合,響應農委會與921重建委員會為振興921災區的計劃,採用南投的四年生孟宗竹為材料,微管束緻密,陰乾後,採用傳統土窯以缺氧狀態,進行800℃燜燒法之熱分解,精心燒製而成;竹炭成品的表面具有光澤,敲打時會發出鏗鏗鏘鏘的清脆金屬聲,經微米級研磨、生化科技抽紗,製成優良的百和竹炭紗成品專利証號:92132874(台灣) 03150537.6(中國)天然植物炭化纖維 蓄熱保溫功能 天然遠紅外線功能 除臭、抑菌 多層次結構體 抗UV功能 吸濕排汗 多元化纖維 from 百和官網資料



Ba 竹炭褲,抗菌除臭效能中等(QQ除臭效果最佳)。UV50+,UVA 紫外線穿透率萬分之2優於ice cafe QQ (千分之12)系列,UVB 黑色素穿萬分之2也低於QQ褲(萬分之9),除有效隔絕紫外線外,曝曬陽光下不易產生高溫。


分段壓力 專利字號 M456100 公告  竹炭:專利公告及產品功能如下


    近年來,常見在進行戶外休閒活動時,都喜歡穿著輕便舒適的長褲,像是丹寧褲、休閒褲、運動褲等寬鬆便利的褲子。習知衣服構造,沿著肌肉之伸縮方向而壓迫之肌肉及骨骼伸縮,當穿上這類褲子進行休閒活動時,伸縮性不佳之材料會造成其反作用力。因此,對於習知的穿著布料而言, 壓力褲布料的伸縮機能極為重要,然而,原來在基本構造中不但運動的適應小,且壓力褲伸縮原材料會有伸縮時的反作用,以致多會對人體造成壓迫導致肌肉等問題。因此,在使用伸縮性原材料時,最好是儘量使用可減輕其反作用之運動壓力褲之適應性的構造為佳。

Ba 9points bamboo compression pants U.CR+ 竹炭無縫橫向機能無墊九分褲 - BA3 9

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